
This comes from a now-defunct Canadian website by an artist who wishes to remain anonymous.

John Fewings

Children's Aid, John Fewings

Bob Englehart

Saint Peter, Bob Englehart

Cartoon published in the Hartford Courant October 8, 2000 following the death of three-year-old Alex Boucher in DCF custody.

graves for uncounted children

Accompanied an Indianapolis Star editorial saying official numbers on child deaths are not be be believed.

Chan Lowe

DCF storybook, Chan Lowe

Rich Parsons

Shrink, Rich Parsons


child protection expert

Rich Parsons

Stork / Vulture, Rich Parsons

John Pritchett

Village People, John Pritchett

John Pritchett

Marriage, John Pritchett

John Pritchett

The Drug Pusher, John Pritchett

drug education

forced drugging


School Shrink, Russmo


Drug Test, Russmo


Randall Munroe

junk-science by citation, Randall Munroe

How doctors get citations for shaken baby syndrome.

toddler keeps mum on legal advice

Glenn McCoy

For the Children, Glenn McCoy

Lucy with Charlie Brown's football

Steve Sack

Surveillance, Steve Sack

fetus probed

David Horsey

School Prayer, David Horsey


CPS interrogates mother

Chuck Asay

Teaching Johnny, Chuck Asay

A child gets unwanted help from Village People.


doctor at work

pregnant woman sentenced to hard labor


lawyer's first trial




Doug Marlette

Hideout, Doug Marlette

Ben Sargent

Mother Nature, Ben Sargent

Child protection is so pervasive a cartoonist uses it as a metaphor for hurricanes.